Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
One years ago i was the important person and nowadays its look like i never existed. I think i was cared to move on because i couldnt stand the thought of leaving all the beautiful pieces of you behind.Aku pernah kecewa, pernah bahagia, pernah rasa disayangi dan pernah rasa sayang orang lain lebih dari sayang diri sendiri. Pernah keliru dengan diri sendiri but now i am healing myself with everything what surround me, i appreciate all people and things around me, i really appreciate people yang tidak pernah give up bagi kata semangat even tho masih sakit, everything needs time, only time will tentukan semuanya. I am still waiting for almost 10 months but still nothing, his name keep playing in mind and i often smile when thinking of him but just ignore it, most of us know what it feels like to love someone or to be in love, i keep remind myself if i get sad cry as hard as you want to. but always make sure: when you stop craying, you'll never cry for the same reason again.. Like rain, sometimes we must fall apart in order to fall back together. you might go through a few relationships before finding "the one". But if you are lucky enough, you will find the love of your life, your soulmate. Nothing can describe the feeling of menunggu ok! we are not breakup but that was so hard and hurt, we always hurt each other feelings so from the date till now we love our own life, the feeling of breakfup is like a broken mirror, its better to give up hen to hurt yourself trying to fix it, now my heart still breaks when i see him I hope the sun heals me as much as it heals me always as i stand bathed in its innocent, iridescent light shining on me with a gentle, loving smile forgiving of all that i do sharing. Its warmth to help me pull through. so to those who missing their loved ones, i feel blessed towards you guys. How grateful they should feel to have someone like you.
Life and time are the two best teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us the value of life. The saddest part of breaking up with someone is nothing else than the need to delete all the pictures and message that contains all the memories of you both. But the worst is when you need to move on and live as usual until you stop thinking about the person.
so here my long note for you all, fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understand you. Someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understand you. Someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with face; or with the idea of being in love. When we think of a rose we dont think of its thorns. Beautify your character in a way that others dont pay attention to your weakness.
For a calm and more peaceful life quit listening to gossip and learn to ignore what others are saying about you. Look for the good in everything. Learn to be positive and spread goodness. Always remember to be grateful for your life. And let the Almighty handle everything else! Surround yourself with people that push you to do and be better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.
But its true, isn't? you've loved so much and you've got nothing to show for it , i mean except maybe a bouquet of memories you dont want, a few insecurities you didnt have before and a part of yourself that is certainly somewhere but just nowhere near you.
You're a bit quixotic, at least in this matter, maybe only in this matter. when it comes to love you're not so practical even despite all the times you've been shown that investing in stock other than your own is all for nothing.
I dont blame you for believing in love, its quite natural and not even on account of the sentimental treats, those moments dipped in honey, but more so because you have something to suffering is poetic, which is to say purely in vain.
Im not saying you shouldnt love im just saying you wont find in it your reason for being, that maybe it shouldnt be the most important things much more meaningful like any form of art.
Pergilah berjuta batu pun, bertukarlah dengan beratus hati sekalipun, anda kau berdiri tidak cukup menghargai, setiap rasa yang tumbuh pasti akan mati, but for you i still believe in you thank you for everyhting, nothing much can i said, what i know my heart belongs to you so tkae a good care of it, even myself cant take it back. Life is tough, seriously hahaha
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