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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya everyone! sorry for update it so late, raya sudah habis pun but i still want to update my blog. Actually lama tersimpan dalam draft tak terpost busy sana sini sampai lupa, laptop pun jarang bukak and my blog this time about my Hari Raya so here my wish and all my feeling in raya,

I love the feeling when i wake up and it's Hari Raya. We can see everyone is rushing to go the mosque to perform prayers, kids are throwing tantrum they dont want to wear their baju raya and some people are eating kuih raya silently in kitchen. its a nice feeling. Lagi nice sambut di kampung, so this year i celebrate my raya at my village with my family, my small family, my special and lovely family and aslo my my friend i was so excited to celebrate my raya this is because of them, almost 2 years tak balik sambut raya dengan my family and friends, blessed because i still have a chance to celebrate this eid with them. Thank you Allah.

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something. So here i would like to say i am sorry if i make mistake to you all sepanjang kenal sepanjang hidup ini, menyusun tangan memohon ampun dipinta secara langsung atau tidak langsung, secara lisan mahupun kata-kata, everyone make mistakes in their life, thats for sure. But you need to remember there's always tomorrow, there's always a chance for you to be better . What's past is past, dont get live caught up by the past, you dont live there anymore. Life can only move forward not backward.

in Raya everything will look happy and beautiful. Selamat Hari Raya Everyone.

p/s : i will post my raya pictures later ok! and this post will be edited too. Will be continue.. sorry for my pemalas attitude cant handle it!hahaha later ok later.


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