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Blessed Ramadhan

Selamat berpuasa kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan semuanya, selepas sibuk dengan pilihan raya and after that all works walaupun bukan kerja yang sebenar baru ada masa untuk update my blog, I will made It simple and special. Oh yah, I will not touch about politics in my blog so I will not reply all question about my works on PRU14, thank you very much for your respect.  

First thing first, happy fasting everyone! may this Ramadhan will be the best and great Ramadhan in our life. Trying to be the best person in dalam bulan yang sangat suci. This ramadhan will be the best ramadhan to me because, spent all day with my family after almost 3 years im not celebrate ramadhan with family, this is the best gift I had. You know what, there will different having ‘sahur’ and ‘berbuka’ puasa with or without your family. In Ramadhan, having iftar with the family would be the best feeling ever. Mom’s cook, having our siblings by ourside to play around with and the feeling to be at home. Its such a blessing. 2 years and more I study and bila sahur kadang ada dengan tak ada orang kejut for sahur. But bila dengan family tahun ni setiap hari kejut sahur nak dengan tak nak je bangun so you guys who still have a family lebih-lebih family besar I mohon hargainya sementara masih ada.  Being too far from your family for a long period of time is heart-crushing. You’ve dreamt about them but then you woke up, you realize they’re not here.

Its been a long day for me and my family fasting without my mom. You know what hurt you the most? When missing people that we create memory together, happy nor sad. When we’re missing them still hurt. So guys, everything in life is temporary. If things are going Good, Enjoy it, because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry! It can't last forever either. I'm thankful for all the people that have come in my life. Each one of them give me a lesson that I will remember forever.  Please appreciate your mother when mereka bangunkan untuk sahur, sediakan masakan untuk sahur, berbuka and sanggup bangun pagi for your family nikmat sebegitu tidak akan datang dua kali. Its only one time in your life, trust me. So back to what I want to represent is about ramadhan.

To be honest, in this ramadhan I want to get something to change my life to be the best and better person for my family and friends. Always trying to be the best for ‘em. Masalah terbesar ialah carut, even benda simple sikit pun mesti ada carut, so tak cantiklah kan carut masa bulan puasa, trying to not carut even cakap bodoh in this ramadhan, for my regret here from my past (Be careful when you blurt out harsh words in harsh tones. The hurt might pierce deeper than you could ever imagine. You probably think a simple sorry can fix it. But think again. Words can leave scars. Some scars are more permanent than others. And for my best quote here, jadilah seperti daun, yang gugur dari pokok namun tidak pernah menyalahkan angin yang menjatuhkannya. Bukan setiap apa yang kita buat adalah betul dan bukan semua perkara yang salah terhadap kita, kita salahkan benda lain mahu pun orang lain. Look into yourself first.

In your darkest moments, when you feel that life is unfair and everyone has abandoned you, you have to remind yourself that the Almighty is always there. Mungkin tuhan bagi kecewa sekarang untuk bahagia di kemudian hari, sabr. Remember, nothing will help you to reach  Paradise except going through hardship with utmost patience and His Mercy. Ramadhan will bring your life bright and shine like diamond in the star.

Don’t get drawn into arguments, petty squabbles and quarrels in Ramadhan. These sin may take away all of the reward and you’re left with nothing but merely hunger and thirst. Remain silent and dignified. The best way to respond is to say, “saya puasa” dan jangan lupa doa sebanyak yang boleh dibulan ramadhan. Jangan lupa juga doakan saya berjodoh dengan awak! #eh

For this holy month, you must stand up and be strong because sometimes you literally have no motivation to save yourself anymore, and you hope that can be happy for at least one whole day. But always remember that pain, sadness, frustration are temporary. You’ll get through this. Put that in mind. You’re strong. And one day you will tell yourself you made it! Don’t change yourself only for Ramadhan but change yourself for your entire life. But this ramadhan all I want to achieve is, a high level of patience.

Please don’t mind my bahasa rojak kali ni J


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  2. How to create same this.


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