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Happy New Year 2018

I DONT KNOW WHAT IS MY PROBLEM, it always late for wishing in all condition. is it too late for wishing? haha  january almost end. It  saved in my Draft and i forgot to fnishing it. HAHA BUT ITS OKAY. May all your wishes in 2017 comes true and had been successful. Its the time to welcome the new year with a fresh mind and heart. Have a rocking!

To Be Honest, 2017 is my year.

2017 full with tears, happiness, sadness, and even lost hope. 2017 is the best year ever. I would like to say thank you. too many memories throughout 2017 are in effect for the returns. Likes, sorrows, laughs, crying, hurt, happy not to remember the world, with the people we love and not with our dear people. Lets throw back a little memory in 2017 (bahasa terabur) :

January 2017 - Im back to my hometown Sandakan, Sabah. after a long time not going back. Within 3 weeks I was there. Many memories I made when I was there. Spend some time with family and friends. I have friends but not so many the reason is people say 'small circle is better' its only 5 people are close. let me introduce you here. Kasey, asfarina, salina, zalifah and eznie. almost 6 years, its almost 6 years guys haha, and hofcosss my schollmate, classmate at smkp  time fly so fast. I missing u so bad guys. Thank you for up and down with me.

February 2017 - too much perkara yang jadi idk which one nak pick untuk dijadikan moment yang terbaik dalam bulan ni. but maybe in this months i will marked sebagai bulan yang tak baik hahah im having a bad accident motorcycle with my friends its so funny but it hurt like hell omg haha. Oh yess, february is my first months for second last semester in UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor. There's so many memory there (BATU PAHAT) in Diploma of IT. Its the beginning for my semester so yah there's are so many up coming memory will be created haha.

March - This is my collages, antaranya, ramai lagi yang tiada dalam ni im sorry. tak pernah ada kawan yang sangat rapat dari first masuk universiti ni. First masuk semua tak kenal lagi perangai memasing bila kenal lama baru keluar semua perangai but i want to thank to all people yang pernah kenal and also want to apologize sekiranya ada hati yang terluka sepanjang kenal. okay back to the moment dalam bulan ni, masing-masing stress sangat sebab semester ni ada gabungan tiga subjek untuk buat project which is java programming, and 3D animation and modelling masa sem ni memasing stress buat project for each subject yang patut kena gabung. but at the end semua berjaya. 

April 2017 - Its study week and after that this is one made my year 2017 happen. One of my favorite person start 2015 until now, still stuck with his. March 2017 is our month also to many memory has been created in this months, i just want to thank u very much eventho banyak benda yang lagi buruk terjadi antara kita. But thank you for always had for being my supporter even i felt like id never make you happy hek but.. 
im that girl who always gonna be there for you during your lowest and catch you when you fall. Im that girl who is going to watch you happy from afar, support and proud you regardless of everything. I love you, thank you for all your effort, time, love and heart for me. Lets make this year road to 3 years happy together. I wish you happy always in this year, 2018 will be your year.  and happy long distance relationship hek. may Allah always blessed us. Amin 💖

May 2017 - Its the final months for my semester, masa untuk membuat persedian terakhir untuk Final Year Project after that cuti lagi for 1 month. This semester paling stress sepanjang study dekat uthm ni dengan buat system, pening pale otak member. Coding bruhhhhh. Senang cerita sem ni sem yang paling barai kata om puteh EXHAUSTED dengan exam yang semakin dekat. Life is hard bruh 

June 2017 - its semester break again, im happppppppy at the same time im feel sad. Tak balik kampung sedih lah. Im stay with my aunt at Cheras, KL. so everytime cuti ke apa ke akan balik ke rumah aunt. Im staying with my cousin tooooooo, hek. IDK moment mana yang perlu dipetik untuk bulan ni, Banyak habiskan masa bersama family jelah kot. With my aun, with my cousin. Satu bulan ulang benda sama dekat rumah. tak ramai kawan sangat kat KL. so im staying at home all the time sampai lah my short sem start again.  im homesick when im at homed. hahha wht is this feeling bruh. deep in my heart i know im a loner. i have tried to blend in with the world and be sociable, but the more people i meet the more dissapointed i am. so i've learned to enjoy myself, my family and a few goodfriends. Thats the reason why i dont have many, im not choosing but its okay be alone.  

July 2017 - Its my months for every year. Its my birthday on 17/7. Okay i dont know which one to pick as my best moment in this month sebab banyak sangat-sangat-sangat moment yang best dalam bulan julai. Thanks for my family and friends and my beloved one for making me happy and also i want to thank my housemate bcs made my day, do suprise for me buy a cake for me i love you guys so much. Also, my short semester just start in this month too how blessed it just three subject in almost 3 months. Oh ya we celebrate Raya together, berhari raya bersama-sama, spent time dengan baiknya, pergi rumah lecturer, rumah kawan, we do swimming at night at the same time we have class. Short sem penuh dengan kenangan yang tidak akan dilupakan, tambahan bila lepas habis short sem masing-masing intern dekat tempat masing-masing so maybe its the last time akan jumpa dan tak akan jumpa lagi. HAHA.reunion? maybe lama lagi. Oh ya i want to say congratulation to all my friend yang sambung degree bulan 2, all the best to you all. see you in bulan 9 maybe. So guys, whoever who know me i want to thank you all for make me happy and appreciate me. I will missing you guys so bad. 

August - so this is my favorite months in this year, too many memory. Hari Raya 2017 end in this month so theres so many even that we attend together. I start with GALA NIGHT DINNER DAT (IT) 2017 at Hotel Pintar Parit Raja. After meeting-by-meeting the venue and date they make it will happen theres so many "halangan" nak buat gala night dinner perpisahan untuk kos ni. so the emcess at the night is  Zarif and me (Ratie) yah im the MC for the dinner night. im happy at the night, we do cabutan bertuah, makan sampai habis makanan, kategori lect and the best one is ada queen of the night and king of the night for students and lecturer. siapa yang ada pada malam tuh tahu kot siapa pemenang setiap kategori yang ada hehe, andddddd this month too ialah bulan terakhir untuk short sem. time fly so fast, SHORT sem betul-betul short sem. All memory, all moment belum cukup untuk tamatkan semuanya lagi-lagi im not continue my deg in feb intake. Oh ya hujung bulan 8 ada lawatan industri for my kos (IT student) dibuat berkala, and im choosen for lawatan ke Media Prima. its was so great memory for me too hehe bcs same group dengan seeeekandar kot hehe. Okay so my wish for my friends yang sambung bulan 2 ni goodluck and all the best semuanya dalam study. Missing uolss. 

September, October, November, December 2017 - hello, gabungankan 4 bulan sekaligus sebab 4 bulan  latihan industri buat benda sama. SOO, its my first month for september and first time for attend in a big company which in at BERNAMA, KL in IT department. Awal-awal rasa nervous kuat when that lama-lama rasa selesa, kerja dekat BERNAMA. Its stand for Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Negara. News agency, TV, Radio and also foto marketing. Pada awalnya, first day di BERNAMA mereka tempatkan salah jabatan hantarke jabatan yang salah mereka hantar saya ke jabatan PORTAL, im just shock why dekat Portal pulak sedangkan kos yang diambil ialah IT lain kah kalau Mass Comm. haha so after almost 2 hours they mention my name dan minta maaf sebab menempatkan disalah jabatan. at last, mereka hantar juga ke department IT at the 4th floor. so yah im there for 4 month, staf dekat it department sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat peramah, baik hati, tunjuk ajar, dan mengajar benda baru dengan sabar even tahu diorang sangat busy buat kerja masing-masing tapi ada masa untuk mengajar pelajar intern yang baru dengan sistem kerja mereka yang ada. Im handle a big even like Perhimpunan Agong Umno 2017 at PWTC im in Bernama booth. and also im setting all the hardware in one room in BERNAMA for Pembentangan Bajet 2018 with all tunjuk ajar staff IT . SO i would to thank all it department staf for sanggup beri tunjuk ajar sepanjang latihan industri selama 4 bulan kalau ada kenduri jangan lupa jemput, hehe. 

so guys, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018. my 2017 end just like that no celebration im staying and laying in my bed masa malam new year. no need celebration, no need countdown, lets our memory be foreve and ever and never faded. to all my dearest friend you all are kind, compassinate and non-judgemental. You are hilariously funny and the best listener a friends could ask for. You are giving and loyal. You are hundred great qualities in one and that is exactly why you are going to be such an incredible friends for me.

Happy new year, may Allah blessed we all. New year, New You! its the tired old mantra we all love to hate, but just cant help but give into. January is, and always has been, the month most of us choose to devote to self-help and self-love. Its the time we strive to get our lives in order.

a good life is a collection of memories..

everything will be so good so soon just hang in there & dont worry about it too much, but me always over in every-things. I hope 2018 will be the best year for me. Improve myself in future, more self-love, more positive vibes and more focus on what i want in life. Everyday is a chance to create something new for yourself. Put down your phone and pick up a pence;. give urself some space. The internet will still be there. Start with one page at the time, and you'll be suprised at just how you can create.


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