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Independent woman.

She is an independent woman. But at the same time, she wants to be loved. She wants to be treated with care by her beloved ones. She is an independent woman. But at the same time, she wants to be loved. She wants to be treated with care by her beloved ones. She is juggling between work, studies and social life. Maintaining a relationship and putting effort is one of the hardest things for her. But you know what? She tried her best. But people tend to ignore her efforts and capabilities on everything and she gets tired of trying. Her other half ignored her the whole day. Focusing on his passion, work and friends. She is missing him so much but she couldn't do anything. She only wanted attention and a little bit of time. She demanded a moral support that she couldn't get from anyone from the time being. Putting efforts & seeing all your efforts goes to waste is one of the hardest things to see. People around her have taken her for granted. She is worrying how to make more money for herself and her family. Just because she is an independent woman and she can earn her own money. As an independent woman, she doesn't want to trouble anyone with her problems. When people trying to help her, she insisted on doing by herself. I admire her determination. I admire independent women all over the world. Not everyone can make their own ways in making money. One day people will treat her right because she is one of a kind. People tend to overlook how wonderful she is and how kindhearted she is. What I can see is that she is different. She has her own opinions. She knows how to handle problems. She knows her needs and wants. Her family is a priority. She never left her family members behind. She knows that at the end of the day, family comes first. She is amazing. How can you take these amazing women for granted? Some people only realize what they've been missing when they lose something. Sad truth. Despite of waking up feeling like shit. She is going to slay and get shit done anyways. Nothing can break her because she had enough. She is an independent woman & I love her. The end.

When people left you, do the same. You've wasted so much time wondering why people left you. Feelings faded. People will change somehow. So don't expect much from anyone. Focus on yourself first because nobody is going to help you except yourself and don't waste your efforts and time on those people anymore. People think I am stronger because of I have been through so many things. Truth is, I am not. I am still hurting when everyone is leaving. I decided to stop chasing people anymore. I decided to stop getting my hopes high on anyone. Because at the end of the day, everyone leaves. Tired of wondering when I will be enough for those ppl that I care about. I am just done trying to offer a help. I am the one who needs help. So now I am focusing more on myself. My health. My mental health. My passion. My friends & family. Most important thing is, my own happiness. It's true. Manusia tak akan bersyukur dengan apa dia ada until one day dia kehilangan semua yang dia ada. Be grateful. That's the key. Self-reminder. When people treated you like shit, do the same. When people left you, do the same. Stop letting people treat you like thrash. What I realize is that you never appreciate what you have. One day, you will. And that time, it will be too late for you to come back. Never let anyone to treat you like you don't matter. Because you are <3 :heart:


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