Selamat berpuasa kepada keluarga dan rakan-rakan semuanya, selepas sibuk dengan pilihan raya and after that all works walaupun bukan kerja yang sebenar baru ada masa untuk update my blog, I will made It simple and special. Oh yah, I will not touch about politics in my blog so I will not reply all question about my works on PRU14, thank you very much for your respect. First thing first, happy fasting everyone! may this Ramadhan will be the best and great Ramadhan in our life. Trying to be the best person in dalam bulan yang sangat suci. This ramadhan will be the best ramadhan to me because, spent all day with my family after almost 3 years im not celebrate ramadhan with family, this is the best gift I had. You know what, there will different having ‘sahur’ and ‘berbuka’ puasa with or without your family. In Ramadhan, having iftar with the family would be the best feeling ever. Mom’s cook, having our siblings by ourside to play around with and the feeling to be at hom...
tiada yang kekal, semuanya akan hilang dan pergi